12 Dec 2011


It was obvious that this would come, sooner or later. Yes, Santa, I have a list this year, too!!
So, here goes nothing!

One cute Inkling from Wacom, for all my ideas stuck on paper.From emag

Always dreamed of a Polaroid camera, but look that now I can use this photo printer with my  camera. Isn't that cool?

This bag. Don't know from where, how much, but I really want it.

These driving gloves. In that color please. Found them right here:http://stylelovely.com/mydailystyle/2011/11/two-way-wool-coat

It looks like a bracelet but actually it's a ring. From here, Santa:http://www.melimelo.ro/produse/inele/inelul-serpisor-a04vese047736-cl11t.html
This will definitely become my favorite piece of jewelry if I would get it. A little hint ici .

I know that we are still in big financial crisis, but that doesn't stop me to dream. That works for everyone. So,dream on, it won't hurt you.

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