4 Nov 2011


Well, I believe you know the song, the band, etc. And probably you will wonder what is all about. Well, that's what comes in my mind when I am thinking of my baby. No,God,no. Not a real baby, but M. This has been his week, for his 28'th birthday was on Monday 31st October(yes,on Halloween:P).Because he was on duty all week,we couldn't see each other, not even for an hour. It has been a hell of a week, considering this has been the first year he spent his birthday away from me. So, tomorrow will be his second birthday, at least for me! I will try surprising him with my endless cooking talents(:P), and I will try making my first birthday cake. Guys, wish me luck, as I often screw things up when it comes to cooking.:P So, the experiment will be shown tomorrow, even if it won't come up ok, this being a place that should remember me the good things that I do, and even the mistakes( not to do them again).

"If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear pain or loss, then our lives will be empty, our loss greater." I don't know the author, but it is so wright. I couldn't say it better.Just a simple I LOVE YOU, M! :*:*

Love, Mara

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