You wouldn't think about this, but wallpaper came back. In big force I can say. Many people didn't quite use it to cover their walls, thinking it's a waste of time an d money and that someday they would eventually change it and that this procedure is too complicated. Oh well, those times passed and THE WALLPAPER improved itself to make itself practical and loved. You can easily find washable wallpaper, plastic wallpaper and I don't remind you of it's multiple patterns and colors! What can I say? It is my new obsession! And it's perfect for a new apartment: You can have a wall covered in this way and you have a personalized room already. Of course, you will have to choose your favorite color and model.
Here are a few inspirational photos, so you can see how a nice and well chosen wallpaper can change the whole aspect of the room. Enjoy!

all photos and inspiration from www.decorology.blogspot.com
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