26 Apr 2013


          Ce ne place noua, fetelor, cel mai mult si cel mai mult? Ei? Pantofii? Gentile? Gentile? Pantofii? Niciodata nu ne putem decide. Din pacate pentru unii.:P DECO sash-ele va propun un post numa' bun de weekend. De shopping de weekend.
           Incepem cu 2 idei . Sa nu exageram, totusi.
           Gentile Lindei Sieto mai intai. Aceasta s-a jucat inteligent cu suprafetele, intocmai tehnicii Origami si a reusit sa creeze astfel o serie de produse "all season", "all time". Imaginati-va doar cum arata pielea dupa o serie de purtari. Genial,nu? Asa credem si noi. :P  Trebuie doar sa le achizitionam si sa vedem asta cu ochii nostri. Si acest lucru nu ar fi chiar imposibil, fiind de provenienta ungureasca, deci aproape.  Si ce e si mai si, este ca daca vizitati site-ul ei, veti mai gasi cateva surprize asemanatoare.http://www.lindasietobgs.blogspot.ro/search?updated-max=2012-02-16T10:10:00%2B01:00&max-results=10 Noua ne-a placut, clar. Voua?

     Buun, si numarul 2, ceva un pic din alt registru. De ce depindem noi cel mai mult in ziua de azi? In afara de bani.:P De...calculator, bineinteles. Si daca tot veni vorba, sa dam un zoom out, poate nu se mai vede imaginea asa pixelata. Am zis pixel? Pai ia uitati ce se poate face cu niste pixeli. Gentute pentru obiectele noastre cele indispensabile cum ar fi I-pad-ul, mini I-pad-ul, sau smartphone-ul. Dar gata cu vorba si sa trecem la fapte. Adica la imagini.


Accesoriile pixelate le puteti admira si cumpara de pe http://bigbigpixel.com/
Sa aveti un weekend spornic. La cumparaturi de genti.:D
Raportez, din nou din varful patului,

24 Apr 2013

How I never got to the Ambient Romexpo Fair

            Apart from the title, this is the story of something borrowed and something gained. I borrowed a spoon of free time and I gained everything that will be worth being mentioned just by writing a big , self-explanatory word – inspiration. My home plans were clear and I even had a foot walk trajectory. But, my plans vanished once I got to my first stop. It was the “Autor – Design jewelry  Fair”. I must confess that I am an average fashion lover, with no desperate addiction. I enjoy fashion as a form of art, but I am honest enough to admit that ,from my point of view, fashion is not supreme to any other form of art in particular. It’s as equal in my eyes, or even a little bit below any other.

           So, here I am , admitting to be relaxed about this and free to feel surprised , but hardly in love with it. Of course, this is the story of my conversion. You’ve guessed well that this “looking around” has been transformed in “drooling around”. The local artists and the few foreign master hands have proved me wrong. They showed me that when concepts meet art and when art meets craft, something truly magic happens. I’ve felt passion running around every inch of the masterpieces shown and a care for the baby born goodies that almost didn’t seem for sale. They seemed to belong to the creator, because they represented the strongest statement that he had to admit.

      Clarisse Bruynbroeck , a Belgium based artist told me the story of her sister’s eating disorder disease which she represented in her very delicate, shy and linear designs. The minimalist design approach had a very profound story. She basically ventured to translate the characteristics of anorexic emotions in jewelry. This life changing health problem with its tremendous impact had a translation of gentle delicacy. The idea was a poem and the jewelry was almost as discreet as a watermark. We set in the kitchen table talk scenario for almost half an hour. When I left, I surely knew more about how she sees the art that she masters, and also more about the exclamation mark that her statement jewelry meant to raise. I congratulated her for the boldness of the attempt and suggested her to sell the idea to an advertising agency. It’s worth millions and it would save people thinner than myself. By this means, I wish to wave her a “bonne voyage” to Amsterdam where she will expose her installation which will underline once more the social debate that it is meant to create.

   Kalina Chankova was to me, a very tasteful presence at the fair. Literally, she left me no choice but the one to admit that, If I could, I would have invited her to the special exhibition space that I projected in my architectural thesis project (A culinary arts center) . There she would have had plenty of space to express her kitchen gadget inspired jewelry. It was fun, it had the maximum admitted colours in a very neutral and cool combo. Her statement about fashion jewelry was very simple : creativity takes “anything” and makes “something “ (beautiful, I may add) from it. This is exactly what she did. She chose some inspiring kitchen gadgets that her selective eye admitted to have “the potential” and she made them be the kind of accessories that you would like to wear. Alternative to the bone!

Neva Balnikova  knits plastic.

    Walking from wonder to wonder, from rubies , silver water drops, exotic wood rings and impressive sparks, knitted jelewelry holding heavy rocks and reinterpretations of the swan ring in and out, I met what I will fully name “a Tim Burton” production. Madalina Stoica is the kind of person that excuses herself when she presents her art, that kind of person which is not blind nor a fool, but still has that kind of vintage modesty as to admit that what she is showing today is only a first try. Well, she got the Ace card from the playing pack. Her intelligence, taste and surprise factor makes her jewelry a constant prove that you’re perception upon how to put that ring on the finger is wrong. First of all, that is not a ring, the whole that you see is not the one in which you put your finger in…but look how it works. Simple, isn’t it? Well, simple…not, but ingenious…definitely. All in all, my strong opinion is that she should make some schemes for dummies that should accompany her designs. Their mechanic look (due to her former technique education) is exactly that kind of harsh feminine antique beauty that fewer and fewer women adopt . Why, I can’t tell. I love it!


Charmed by the 1 to 1 presence of a traditional jewelry working table and by the set of medieval look gadgets, I turned my back to see some “pezzi di sogni”. The dream works were absolutely “da sogno”. The mixed textures of volcanic magma with fossils and rocks , and textile applications and the free range of colors was an eye’s bliss.

 Wooden organic necklaces, silver monoblocks, dry architectural designs, parrot color degrades, shiny , matte, dark or light but never simple. The complexity of mind and the simple perfection of the eye and the hand drag my radical conclusion. Either wear a fashion statement jewelry or none at all.


 RALUCA BUZURA CREATIONSwww.ralucabuzura.blogspot.com


My architect eye couldn’t help notice the inventively of the presentation, the parametric paper madness, and the way each of the artists added value to the product by the presentation they chose was really inspiring. Shocking that only a few of them have artistic studies. More just felt to do it, felt to enter this very thin niche, finding themselves in a very vast territory, that I spied happily for almost 3 hours.

Reporting back to you,


22 Apr 2013


Daca e luni, noi zicem sa incepem altfel. Nu cu ce nu am terminat vineri, nu cu noi deadline-uri, nu cu nervi si stres. Pentru moment. Noi va propunem sa incepem cu un pic de joaca.
Si nu orice joaca, cu orice jucarie, ci cu cele mai noi si cool jucarii aparute.
Incepem cu un  lucru esential pentru un bebe cool: scaunul inaltat, pentru masa. Si acesta nu este chiar un scaun normal. Este unul care creste odata cu piciul. FROC (probabil vine de la "frog" daca luam in considerare verdele borotac in care e prezentat) este realizat de compania slovena Rimarket si studioul de design Gigodesign. Este un scaun care isi modifica atat spatarul cat si inaltimea, in functie de varsta copilului. Pe langa asta(daca nu ar fi destul), este disponibil in mai multe culori cool si este eco. Daca il vreti, il puteti achizitiona de pe

Continuam in aceiasi nota cool cu leaganul realizat de Francesco Rota. Nu stiu ce copil, poate si om in toata firea, nu iubeste o "leganeala" zdravana intr-o zi insorita ca asta de azi. Si cel mai bine sa ai leaganul tau, sa te bucuri de el cand vrei si fara sa-l imparti cu tot parcul. Propunerea noastra de azi seamana mai degraba cu un cos. Cam asta si este, fiind realizat dintr-o structura de fier, acoperita cu fir impletit viu colorat. Leganati-va in voie asadar, achizitionand-ul de pe http://www.paolalenti.it/

Cine nu s-a jucat construind castele, tancuri sau intregi orase din Lego? Nu credem sa existe cineva care sa nu fi experimentat asa ceva macar o data si sa nu fie atras de acest tip de joc. Ei bine, cei de la Mokurokku au dus popularul joc la pasul urmator, realizandu-l integral din lemn. Foarte ECO din partea lor. Poti sa il alegi din cele trei variante de lemn existente : 
cires, artar sau mesteacan, de pe
site-ul http://www.mokulock.com/item.html . Asta daca puteti sa il descifrati in japoneza. 
In rest,distractia e garantata.

20 Apr 2013


Si ca sa ne pastram spiritul copilaresc si in weekend, care parinte nu si-ar dori un "perete de mazgalit"? Se realizeaza foooarte usor, doar achizitionand vopsea cu efect de tabla de scris. Ca la scoala dar mai distractiv. Si cel mai bun lucru este ca se curata repede lasand loc altor creatii "piticesti".
Spor la creat si weekend cat se poate de placut.
 Din varful patului, va saluta, Mara!

19 Apr 2013


Continuam in acelasi registru inceput zilele trecute. Ne concentram pe camerele de copii, intrand un pic in detalii. Azi, o prezentare generala a acestui univers care se anunta a fi magic de la inceput la sfarsit.

        Camera copilului. Copilul intre 0-6-7 ani, mai exact. Nimeni nu se gandeste la ea, pana nu este cazul. Cazul in care apare un prichindel si bineinteles, are nevoie de spatiul lui propriu si personal. Si de ce nu personalizat?  Personalizat dupa chipul si asemanarea...parintilor pentru inceput, pana ce  singur,  ajunge sa isi perceapa spatiul si sa si-l ajusteze nevoilor.
 Cam asa arata o camera de copii in anul de gratie 1935. Pe aproape,nu?
         Insa, la inceput, copilul nu stie ce vrea, cum vrea, tot ce poate, e sa planga pentru a sublinia eventualele dorinte. De aceea, parintii trebuie sa decida cum va fi organizat spatiul piciului. Pentru nevoile lor mai intai. Trebuie avut in vedere ca o camera pentru copii este in primul rand functionala.  Abia pe locul secund se afla imaginea. Bineinteles, si aici conteaza sintagma” forma urmeaza functiunii”. si invers.

Asadar, camera cu pricina va cuprinde cam tot ce este necesar  pentru  derularea in bune conditii a vietii parinte –copil. Dar cam ce anume ii trebuie ca totul sa fie in regula? Ei bine, in primul si in primul rand nelipsitul patut. Poti opta pentru varianta patut ingradit, pe care bineinteles il vei schimba in anii ce vor urma, sau pentru varianta “ patut care isi mareste dimensiunile” adica lungimea, pe masura ce copilul ia proportii. Bineinteles, acest tip de alegere va fi prevazuta cu sisteme de siguranta, pentru ca doar nu vrem un copil rostogolit pe podeaua camerei, nu?

 Si o camera din zilele noastre. Simplitatea si functionalitatea inca se pastreaza. Pentru a evidentia individualitatea se pune insa accent pe elementele mici de design care trebuie sa"sara in ochi". 

Urmatorul aspect il reprezinta zona/spatiul pentru depozitare. De la scutece, babetele, lotiuni si pana la hainute pentru toate sezoanele, toate trebuie sa isi gaseasca loc cumva. Si aici,exista variante si variante. Totul depinde foarte mult de spatiul pus la dispozitie. Avem, asadar, dulapiorul colorat  ( sau nu), inchis frumos si asortat cu restul mobilei, rafturile la vedere, asta pentru mamici uituce care prefera sa le aiba pe toate la vedere sau dulapul  deja existent, in care isi depoziteaza si restul familiei catrafusele.

 Pentru a pune mai mult in evidenta ideea de zona de schimbat si de alaptat. Si o nonculoare este buna pentru camera, dupa cum se vede. Poate mult mai usor de gestionat. Pentru cei incepatori intr-ale amenajarilor.

Urmeaza, dupa cum probabil v-ati imaginat o zona dedicata schimbatului si curatatului. Si in acest caz exista mai multe solutii: masa de schimbat, care cuprinde si zone dedicate depozitarii accesoriilor necesare  ritualului cu pricina, sau daca spatiul nu va permite puteti opta pentru folosirea   comodei  ca loc de plasare al saltelei speciale pentru infasat. Tind spre ultima varianta, care mi se pare mult mai economica. Si din punctul de vedere al spatiului dar si al banilor. Plus, ce faci cu masuta de infasat dupa ce creste “ala micu’?

O posibila optiune pentru patut. 

Nonculoare cu accente geometrice. La fel de usor de pus in practica.

Pat de designer, reglabil. Asta da gaselnita,nu?

Si o idee de cum se combina culorile astfel incat sa nu ajungem cu o camera albastra sau roz de sus pana jos.

 Si asta daca vreti un spatiu de alaptat alternativ si original. Ne mai gandim insa la cat de comod o fi, ca de aratat bine, arata.

Cam aceste 3 elemente sunt esentiale pentru o buna functionare a camerei copilului. Ei, si acum urmeaza grosul, mai mult sau mai putin necesar, dar vital pentru imbunatatirea spatiului. In primul rand poti opta si pentru o zona unde se va desfasura celalalt ritual important din viata celui mic, si anume alaptatul. Aceasta zona trebuie creata astfel incat sa fie cat mai placuta si comoda pentru mama. Doar ea stie cat timp pretios va petrece aici. Deci, este nevoie in primul rand de un fotoliu sau un balansoar cat se poate de comod. Alaturi, sau in apropiere trebuie sa existe toate lucrurile necesare activitatii cu pricina: o veioza cu lumina calda ( sa nu trezim bebelusul in timpul mesei nocturne) , pernute aruncate, pentru  si mai mult comfort.

Urmeaza, lucrurile inutile care infrumuseteaza camera, aducand-o la desavarsire: jucarii, obiectele de tot felul care sa aminteasca functiunea esentiala, pereti colorati, dungati, pictati. Aceste detalii depind in mare masura de personalitatea fiecaruia, logic. Presarate in post sunt imagini care sa sustina ideea din urma. Atatea personalitati, atatea camere de copii.
Imaginile preluate de pe http://pinterest.com/

18 Apr 2013



 Da. De azi se vor schimba cateva lucruri pe aici, pe DECOsash. Am placerea sa va anunt ca echipa se mareste. Mi se vor alatura, in lupta zilnica impotriva plictiselii vizuale si in cea pentru a impartasi idei faine si cu "schepsis", urmatorii mohicani: Alma, sora si arhitect cu viziuni marete si condei fermecat si Roxana, prietena si om devotat al tehnicii si exactitatii in arhitectura si nu numai.
       Ne unim fortele asadar, complotam, ca efectul sa fie maxim! Deci, pregatiti-va pentru un haos de idei si pareri, de la 3 arhitecturiste gata sa va impartaseasca din secretele meseriei!
La mai mult DECO sash, asadar!

16 Apr 2013


Today was quite strange. I had so much energy and couldn't stay still for so long. Hope I didn't overwhelm myself and the little one. I could also take some snapshots of some new deco redecorations around the house. Hope you like them.

The new window arrangement with vases gathered in time by my family. Now I see they have the same color, different shades.Interesting...


Another window design. This time is the nursery's time. Simply looove that wooden teddy bear, found at Bamboo.

The hallway with the big mirror. New vintage find,                      
a jewelery case got from an old aunt. Love it!                              And a new member in our family,
                                                                                                      "Sunday granny". I couldn't quite
                                                                                                       remember the Armenian name of it.
                                                                                                       We got it from our dear friend, Vali.

14 Apr 2013


          I love minimalism in interior design. I don't know how I would function in this kind of space(being used to be surrounded by vintage elements) but I do appreciate clean, smooth design. And it is also easier to clean. Iwon't tell you how much it takes me to clean the whole house.
            So, I know that it would be impossible for us to have a minimalist nursery,  considering the object collection that we gathered in time, but I couldn't help miself  when I found these images.

But look, it can be minimal with vintage objects, right? Interesting house shelves.

 Just two collors. Grey with a hint of yellow. Kind of plain for a kids room, though.

The house inside the house. It is an architectural principle, yes but this is very obvious. The design of this little toy house is quite modern. It's like reproducing a real house in a kid's bedroom. Inspiring ideea. It also has a structure to give more stability to the whole house. The yellow accents highlight  the volume and give the object more personality. Would definitely love to build such an object for the little one. But first, I should find the space.



  2months. 2months have passed since I have been sent by my doctors to stay indoors. And not just indoors, but in bed due to some problems. There haven't been few  the low moments and I wonder how I got over them. I didn't imagine this side of  pregnancy and I m glad there is a month or so till all of this will end. Hope that the beginning of the time spent with the little one will be better. Honestly, I hardly wait for the moment, even though I am a little scared of the new things that wait for me. Will I manage being the best mum? Will I be able to handle the whole situation? This is deffinetly the first thing in my life that I can't predict and I really don't know how it will turn out in the end!I kind of hate this feeling.
         So, nowadays I spend my time between reading, watching tv(can you belive that?) or drawing. This when I am not going to the doctor.  It's kind of sad considering that I am not the kind of person to stay in bed and doing nothing. I especialy hate the fact that I can't go shopping for the little one and I have to send everyone else. I wish I could design some things for her, to arange the nursery and everything else. Sadly, I can't do none of these things so I hardly wait for this stage to end and I can function at my normal capacity. Luckily, I had some real help in my dear Mihnea, my sis and my dearest mum. I don't know what I could do without them. Thanks guys!
         I hope I will be able to be back these days with my design and life ideas. You can easily guess what are my new obsessions in design, considering the new member we are adding to our clan. I have been intensly searching nursery ideas like crazy and I do have a great collection. Hardly wait to share them with you.
           Have a nice Sunday afternoon guys!